This is my first post, and to begin with, my daughter, Tomara (who posted earlier today), is a great humorous creative writer, but she stole the "HE SAID, SHE SAID" and "MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMAN ARE FROM VENUS" lines from me!!
WELL, the first adventure out with the Airstream was indeed an adventure. We weren't totally prepared, but we said what the hell. Friends from the Airstream community happened to drop by, so we got a nice refresher course on hooking the Airstream to the truck, which I would say is very important in the effort of getting from the house to the campgrounds.
Pat and I had driven through the camp areas the week before, scouting. We looked at hook-ups primarily in the shade at Lake Whitney. We got there, managed to secure one of the spots we had seen the week before, parked, and unhitched without any problems.
The Airstream seemed level, so we turned on the fridge and within 24hrs it cooled down. At this point, we consulted the manual, and it said to turn fridge on the night before you leave. We used the ice cooler for the first day, and I had to make several ice runs. Also, we turned the AC on, and once again Pat referred to the manual. She told me the AC unit would cool the vehicle 20 degrees cooler than outside. You do the math, 100 degrees outside, again several hours later, say after the sun goes down, it is under 80. Well, that was nice, but when sleeping it must have dropped to say 60!!
Another problem we had was decideding not to use the Aistream's bathroom because we didn't want to have to deal with cleaning up on OUR MADIEN VOYAGE, plus we didn't know the proceedure. Luckily, the bathroom and shower on the campgrounds was within a couple 100 yds. No problem for me after dark, if you know what I mean.
We also had to deal with our lab Maggie, who sounded like she was dying, PANT, PANT, all day. She was miserable, but she got through it.
We decided to hitch up sat. night before dark and leave early. I MUST SAY THAT HOOK-UP WENT OFF WITHOUT A HITCH, no pun intended.
We did enjoy ourselves, but realized we need TELEVISION and BOOKS to survive in the wild.
ALL kidding aside, it was fun, and we are looking forward to next our adventure. We will try to be more prepared. He said, see what "she said"
Wow, Dad! You posted fast. I hope you don't mind that I changed your formatting a bit.
Sounds like you had a great time!
Love you!
Oh... and I don't think I stole that from you. I think I stole it from Pat ;-)
Yeah Bill - Tomara stole it from Pat. Now do you think you would be that creative?!
Just kidding - loved both sides of the story and they pretty much matched.
Sounds fun! I am ready to meet up with you guys and have some of our own adventures. Love ya!
So glad you had a good time but you really should have hooked up the water and sewer. Using your own potty is the best part of camper camping!!
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